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This is the sixth annual Charity Challenges 1,000 Mile Challenge! This event has 100% of its net proceeds donated to the Green Beret Foundation and Team RWB. Although the event is called the 1,000 Mile Challenge there are patches for completing 300 miles, 700 miles, and 1,000 miles. Do you have what it takes to ruck, run, or walk 300, 700, or 1,000 miles in 2022? Sign up today and find out!
How It Works
We’ve built the Charity Challenges experience to be as simple for you as possible. Here’s a basic breakdown on how this challenge works:
- Register for the event
- Starting 1/1/2022 log your eligible miles on your Charity Challenges account
- Celebrate in your success on 1/1/2023!
In addition, 99% of questions related to how events work can be answered by reading our frequently asked questions page.
What Miles Count?
The big question here is what miles count? Miles that you run, walk, or ruck outside of your normal day count towards this event. If you go for a morning run, walk, or ruck then that counts. If you go for an afternoon run, walk, or ruck then that counts. If you walk from your desk to the bathroom and back then that doesn’t count. If I choose to ruck or run to work then that counts. Use your best judgement here but don’t cheat yourself.
This is supposed to be a challenge and not a freebie to feel good about yourself. During our normal day we average 3 – 5 miles walked which means if everyday steps counted we would have to do nothing additional to reach the highest goal.
What Activities Count?
Walking, running, and rucking count towards miles. Cycling for non-disabled definitely does not count towards miles. The only wheeled modes of transportation that count towards miles are those completed in necessary devices (example: wheel chair) due to injury or disability.
Milestone Patches
Although the event is called the 1,000 Mile Challenge, you decide your own individual goal for mileage in this Challenge based on your specific fitness and health needs. There are virtual patches earned for completing 300, 700, and 1,000 miles. Set your goal then crush your goal!
Challenge Information
Goal: Complete 1,000 miles in the year of 2022.
Price: $10.
Virtual Patches: 300, 700, and 1,000 mile tiers.
Tracking Patches: Available for purchase.
Registration Dates
Registration Opens: 12/7/2021
Price Increase to $15: 2/1/2022
Price Increase to $20: 3/1/2022
Registration Closes: 12/31/2022
Challenge Dates
Challenge Starts: 1/1/2022
Challenge Ends: 12/31/2022
Logging Closes: 1/7/2023
Charities Benefited: Green Beret Foundation & Team RWB.*
Virtual Registration Includes
- Facebook Group Access
- Online Tools
- Virtual Patch
- Ability to Purchase Physical Patches & Gear
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* Although we do occasionally work with these charities we are not affiliated with or a part of them.