You are not logged in. If you have a Charity Challenges account please log in before registering. Don’t have an account? You’ll create one when you register.
Challenge Information
Goal: Ruck 900 km (559.23 miles) with 35 lbs (or more) in 180 days.
Price: $60 USD
Challenge Coin: Awarded if you complete the miles.
Charity Benefited: The Legion’s “Leave the Streets Behind” Program.
Registration Dates
Registration Opens: 4/1/2022
Registration Closes: 6/1/2022
Challenge Dates
Challenge Starts: When You Register
Challenge Ends: 180 Days After You Register
Logging Closes: 5 Days After Challenge Ends
Registration Includes
- Online Tools (Logging, Teams, Leader Boards)
- Virtual Patch
- Challenge coin shipped to you IF you complete & log the miles.
Challenge Coin
Roles & Responsibilities
This event is put on by Ruck 2 Remember to benefit the Legion’s “Leave the Streets Behind” Program. Money paid for the registration is going directly to the Ruck 2 Remember team (you’re paying their PayPal account directly.)
Charity Challenges
Charity Challenges is not touching or handling the money or donation. You are paying the Ruck 2 Remember team directly via PayPal. The Charity Challenges platform will be leveraged for logging, team totals, and leader boards.
Ruck 2 Remember
Every month an export of miles and address will be created and sent to the Ruck 2 Remember team for people who’s logging ended in the previous month. The Ruck 2 Remember team will be responsible for shipping out the challenge coins to everyone who completes the event.
Any Questions?
If you have questions about this event please feel free to reach out!