Buy this Training Plan!
Take on the challenge that almost 700 ($9K+ raised!!) people participated in last year! You will never be better at pull ups than after you crank through this challenge!
PLEASE NOTE: This training plan e-book is a digital only product, there is no Facebook group or physical swag that accompanies this like with the current challenge!
This was an excellent challenge to be a part of… My goal was to hit 1000 pull-ups, however I pushed through and kept going. I will be smashing through to 2500 with pride. Thank you! I’m doing this again!! – Vikki Trevillian
Complete 1K, 2.5K, 5K, or 10K in 12 weeks to earn your achievement badge! This 45+ page e-book includes:
- 12 week training plan
- Monthly goals
- Weekly rep totals to achieve for each level
- Weekly pull up skill variations
- Weekly challenge WODs
- 2 pages of BONUS WODs
- Tips and tricks on how to accomplish more pull ups than ever
- Gear recommendations
- Dozens of links to helpful resources!
- Digital participant patch to share!
- Digital completion patch to share! (after submitting completion data)
- Event is based on the honor code, if you lie, you only cheat yourself
- Do full ROM (Range Of Motion)!!! This means going all the way up AND all the way down!
- If you can’t, then work your butt off until you can! We are here to help and will support you to achieve great pull ups. Tutorials are linked to.
- Kipping pull ups are acceptable as long as they are full ROM
- All hand orientations and variations (palms towards/away/commando/towel, etc) are acceptable as long as they are full ROM
- NOTE: Butterfly pull ups ARE NOT acceptable
Praise for the challenge:
This was an amazing challenge that helped me not only with physical strength but the mental toughness to keep going until I achieved my goal. I’m 50, and these challenges are not easy but they are not impossible. Thank you Kirk Deligiannis for setting this up.
-Giancarlo Cefalo
I set a goal of 1,000 pull ups in 90days… Friends and family told me I was crazy to attempt the 1,000 mark (11/day)… I will cross the 5,000 threshold tomorrow. This challenge has been amazing and life altering in the way I approach fitness. I am forever grateful for the reintroduction to what is now my favorite exercise. Thanks for the motivation to complete this challenge.
-John Furfari
Blam! 30 consecutive dead hang pull ups. That’s my all time PR! Awesome!
-Kirk Deligiannis
While the “live” challenge has all the proceeds going to charity (entry fee minus swag cost, shipping, advertising, patch design, site maintance, etc.,), the training plans have 25% of proceeds go to Team RWB and the Green Beret Foundation. This is to ensure the future of this site (and its proprietors)! In order to continue to grow we must fund our future fundraising success.
Currently on Pre-Order – Launches 7/1/16!!
Buy this Training Plan!
Take on the challenge that over 1,100 people participated in this year! You will never be better at squat than after you crank through this challenge!PLEASE NOTE: This training plan e-book is a digital only product, there is no Facebook group or physical swag that accompanies this like with the current challenge!Complete 10K, 20K, or 30K in 12 weeks to earn your achievement badge! This 45+ page e-book includes:
- 12 week training plan
- Monthly goals
- Weekly rep totals to achieve for each level
- Weekly pull up skill variations
- Weekly challenge WODs
- 2 pages of BONUS WODs
- Tips and tricks on how to accomplish more pull ups than ever
- Gear recommendations
- Dozens of links to helpful resources!
- Digital participant patch to share!
- Digital completion patch to share! (after submitting completion data)
- Event is based on the honor code, if you lie, you only cheat yourself
- Do full ROM (Range Of Motion)!!! This means going all the way up AND all the way down!
- If you can’t, then work your butt off until you can! We are here to help and will support you to achieve great pull ups. Tutorials are linked to.
- There are dozens of squat variations – they all count as long as full ROM is achieved!!